Brainstorming – multiple positions blade

Typically, Brainstorming session with multiple people leads to multiple ideas, but for this use case, it was only me, Saturday morning and paper and pen.
I dreamed about many complex ideas to get solution to the problem statement last night, and started putting them on paper in the morning. Constrains was, the blade (triangular piece) should be able to adjust angle, should hold the position under force and pressure and should be easy to manage.
Post this session the simplifying various concepts and removing complexity from each on of them , got a simplified version. Just bolt it thru. Will share updates once I get 3D done.
What is Pressure Vessel?
Pressure vessels are probably the most widespread “machines” within the different industrial sectors. In fact, there is no factory without pressure vessels, steam boilers, tanks, autoclaves, collectors, heat exchangers, pipes, etc.
More specifically, pressure vessels represent components in sectors of enormous industrial importance, such as the nuclear, oil, petrochemical, and chemical sectors.
There are numerous Codes & Laws present in each country to control the usage of this ‘machines’! its useful but its dangerous!
What one need to design a Pressure Vessel?
● good workmanship with regard to the tools used,
● knowledge of the basic engineering principles and the phenomena involved,
● fantasy and creativity with regard to the selection of the models used,
● fair knowledge of the legal requirements pertaining to design,
● fair knowledge of manufacturing and testing procedures, and especially
● extreme carefulness in each step, from the design specification to the design
Pressure Vessel mostly are made-up of ‘Steel’ Steel behaves in an elastic fashion even beyond the proportional limit, as long as another characteristic point corresponding to stress called elastic limit is not exceeded.In practice, we typically equate the proportional limit to the elastic limit.
we always discuss the steel’s behavior at room temperature. It is, however, of the greatest importance to be aware of the influence of temperature on the mechanical characteristics of the material. As we shall see, not only temperature but also time may have a strong influence.
Next we will discuss some “TERMS”
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