Brainstorming – multiple positions blade

Various concepts and finally easy solution out

Typically, Brainstorming session with multiple people leads to multiple ideas, but for this use case, it was only me, Saturday morning and paper and pen.

I dreamed about many complex ideas to get solution to the problem statement last night, and started putting them on paper in the morning. Constrains was, the blade (triangular piece) should be able to adjust angle, should hold the position under force and pressure and should be easy to manage.

Post this session the simplifying various concepts and removing complexity from each on of them , got a simplified version. Just bolt it thru. Will share updates once I get 3D done.

Ergonomics design for Push Trolley (System on wheel, managed by Pushing)

Ergonomics design for Push Trolley (System on wheel, managed by Pushing) 

As per HSE, Pushing and pulling of loads is a way to avoid manual lifting and carrying of objects such as by putting the load on a trolley.

Why its important to study? and even design?

Statistics can be seen below that give you an idea of how important it is to eliminate or reduce pushing and pulling risk factors.

  1. 11% of manual handling – related RIDDOR accidents investigated by HSE involved pushing and pulling.
  2. The most frequently reported site of injury was the back muscle injury (44%).
  3. Followed by the upper limbs (shoulder, arms, wrist and hand) accounted for 28.6%.
  4. 12% more accidents involved pulling than pushing (where the activity could be identified within the reports).
  5. 61% of accidents involved pushing and pulling objects that were not supported on wheels (e.g. bales, desks etc.)
  6. 35% of pushing and pulling accidents involved wheeled objects!

IS there any Regulation?

Yes, we have to comply with the risk assessment requirements set out in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 as well as the requirement in the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as amended) (MHOR) to carry out a risk assessment on manual handling tasks.

So, Tell me about design now 🙂

Following are the quick tips, then my next post will talk more in details.
  • Choose PUSHING a load instead of PULLING it whenever possible
  • Place your hands at the correct height.
  • Followings are weight (push or pull) to stop the load! will cover this in next post.
For stopping or starting a load
20 kg (ie about 200 Newtons)
15 kg (ie about 150 Newtons)
For keeping load in motion
10 kg (ie about 100 Newtons)
7 kg (ie about 70 Newtons)

Design of a trolley : A thought!

Be in whatever field you are, you come across trolleys in one form or other.

Trolleys, some time stuck, sometimes with broken wheels, sometime hard to push and sometimes its better keeping them untouched.
My profession given me opportunity to design one trolley myself. And I grab the opportunity by both hands.
Here, I’ll share some learning those I came across while designing and also some surprises that in faced myself while designing the system.
I’ll also share my thought process, to enable reader understand my background and reasoning for going with my decision.
So, let me put the challenge that I’ve grabbed !
Challenge: Design trolley for clean in place system, weighing 300kg plus, easy to install and accommodated all crucial items in and yes Movable!