Process Piping Pressure Calculation : B31-3
B 31.3 is an ASME code for Process piping, Multiple time we come across situation, where we need to calculate the design pressure for a pipe.
In such cases, ASME VIII-Div-1 seems helpless, and B 31-3 comes for rescue.
Clause 304.1.2 talks about Straight pipe under internal pressure,
P > Internal design pressure
D > Outside diameter of pipe
S > Stress value of material as per table A-1
E > Quality factor from Table A-1A & -1B
Y > Coefficient from table 304.1.1
Compare equation 3a with ASME VIII-1 Formula (UG-27)
The formula is completely same, except factor PY against 0.6 P!
Y factor varies from material & Temperature, which varies from 0.4 to 0.7
As I’m working on one of the project, where I’m manually doing calculation, I thought this will be fastest way to share!
Keep reading!
Code Comparison : Discussion:1
Scope & Responsibility:
Let’s start with comparing the scope & Responsibilities for various codes.
Following table will give an overview
Characteristics |
EN 13445 |
GB-150 |
Scope |
Ref ASME VIII-1 U-1 Pressure Not exceeding 20 MPa U-1(d) Design by Formula Minimum pressure 15 psi (g) [1 bar(g)] Minimum -ve pressure 15 psi (g) [1bar(g)] |
Refer EN 13445-1: 2009 No limit on pressure Design by Formula & Design by Analysis Minimum pressure 0.5 bar(g) Minimum -ve pressure -0.5 bar(g) |
Refer GB-150 : 1-1.1 Pressure not exceeding 35 MPa Design by Formula Minimum pressure 1 bar(g) Minimum -ve pressure 0.2 bar(g) |
Responsibility |
Ref VIII-1 U-2 (b), UG-90 Responsibility of Manufacturer to design complete vessel as per requirements of Code 19 responsibilities with Manufacturer, 14 with AI |
Refer EN 13445-1: 2009 Responsibility of Manufacturer, counter signed by notified body (Independent agency) Annex – H to be filled & Signed |
GB-150 : 3, Clause 3.2.2 Responsibility of Manufacturer & Designer to design complete vessel as per requirements of Code |
Next Topic Material & Properties!
Keep Watching!
Code Comparison : A Startup
With my next feeds, I’ll be comparing following Code on various aspects
European Code : EN 13445
American Code : ASME Section VIII Div. 1
German Code: AD : 2000
Chinese Code: GB: 150
Keep watching!
weld Positions & Joints?
Followings are more important things selecting welding process :
1. What? What are we welding (Metal type, thickness, chemistry)
2. How ? How are we welding (Welding Position)
3. Where ? where are we welding (e.g in water, near sea shore, inside, outdoor)
We will discuss this in detail, but first we understand the definition & usage of these terms, to start with : Position
Generally as per ASME IX, following are the mentioned position for groove weld
Flat : 1G
Horizontal : 2G
Vertical Upward/Downward : 3G
Overhead : 4G
Pipe – Horizontal : 5G
Pipr 45º : 6G
For Fillet weld, replace G with F, and there is no 6F applicable!
Pressure Vessel Codes & Comparisons
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