Asset on laravel and PWA

Recently I was working on making one of my web app as PWA. I understand PWA is future, hence I try to make my website based solution into a web app. And I came across an issue with sharing the resources. Specifically icons, images and splash screens.

And I came across {{ asset( ) }} really powerful syntax to take care of such issue. Asset syntax takes public directory as default and whatever path we put in, get added to public path. So however you host, the path always remain constant.

Also, {{ secure_asset() }} generates URL with https while {{ asset( ) }} generates URL with http.

To make laravel based project a PWA, you have following GitHub repos.

And you can generate PWA assets with this free app. It’s a website help create assets as well as manifest.

Timeseries Wrangling

By the way it should be Timeseries struggling.

Big data fight

It’s basically fight of tools. When you have plethora of tools available, you always get confused with which one to follow. In my case it’s R vs. Python

I like the ease of R to do data wrangling and get more insight but it’s Damm slow when it comes to running forecasts locally.

Python on other hand has huge ML libraries, and seems to be optimised for average PCs. Though the language itself is simple to learn, it’s not as nimble as R in RStudio

R also has many packages to do wonderful analytics specially forecasting, as that’s my interest. Python also has similar packages but mostly ML is it’s strength.

Now when I get data, I really spend time is weighing the tools to be used by using them, and it’s killing the time. I think in need to Jordon my workflow on what to use for what and stick with it.

In this journey, I think I’ll be sharing some nice shortcuts and some challenges those I’ll be facing and coming up with some solutions, optimised or not.

Let’s discuss this in future posts.

About the Tools!

Day In day out I’ve to do Thermal Calculation, the fuel combustion analysis, mass balance or design of heat exchanger, Why not to formulate them & use it as a GUI based program.. I’m great fan ov Visual Basic 6.. & all my applications are stand alone.. means no set up required just save it & run it 🙂
Here I’ll share about the tools I’m developing

If you are intrested please mail me @ for a FREE COPY

You can see the Screen shots of the programs.. I’ll add details soon

Boiler Engineers Tool

Fuel Combustion Tool

Heat Exchanger Design

Finned Tube Heat Exchanger Design

More to come….