Pressure Vessel – A thought

10 year ago after completing my degree in mechanical engineering , when i joined the industry, as a fresher Fabrication & Pressure vessel both were new to me. I took help of good old hand books from Dennis Moss and Megyesy. Thought they where great tool.. I understood one fact hard way, if you ignore basic, they are no good, as there are big mistakes in Dennis Moss book, which you never come across if you put your mind aside! on other had Megyesy, is too much orientated on ASME VIII Div-1, and will not help much if you want to look beyond horizontal vessel or less complicated vertical vessel.

ASME provide all tools & guidelines to analysis Failure (limits) but fails to help me understand how to implement it in actual practice (Additional loading, Conical head with angle >30º! etc. etc…)

Hence I started this Blog to help understand how to implement old engineering know how in Practical scenario!

currently I’m in phase of switching to a new Industry all together, may be i’ll find more way to implement my know how their & learn new way to optimize things.

Take Care

Beer in PET (Plastic Bottles)?

Has any body ever thought why we don’t get Beer in PET jar? or PET bottle.

Do you know, whole beer industry is as much intrested in giving beer in PET bottle than us, as this is the cheapest & easy way, though mother nature will not be happy 🙂

Beer in Plastic accounts only for 5-6% in world’s beer package!

What is PET
its short form of Polyethylene Terephthalate, basically a polymer. its extensively used for packaging carbonated drinks.

Whats wrong with PET?

PET absorbs sizable amount of CO2 as the bottle tries to equilibrate with content inside, some study has shwon at 21ºC, PET bottle takes three weeks for 500ppb O2 to invade & four weeks for 10% of the CO2 to wave goodbye.

So what?

OK, Soft Drinks (Carbonated) can tolerate in grease of O2 upto 20ppm, before they change the flavors! so its perfectly on to store it for almost a year!

BUT, for beer, even 0.1 ppm O2 can spoil the itch on tongue! hence normal PET is no-no!

What Next?

People are trying to invent new Coatings to close this barrier or to minimize this sepage! its ‘Work Under Progress’.

Whatever you say, beer look nice in Bottler & Test nice in Glass!

Three cheers to Glass!

Pressure Vessel Software-Solution

I’m thinking of buying or developing software for pressure vessel.
I’ve searched lots of software from PVlite, Pressure Vessel Engineering, CEREBRO-mix etc. but end of the day, the customized solution that I need was always missing.
Let me list out what one expect from such software… atlease I do.. if i miss out something, let me know
– Shell under internal pressure,
– Shell under external pressure,
– Heads under internal & external pressure
– Cone under internal & external pressure
– Stiffner calculation
– Support calculation – Saddle
– Support calculation – Skirt
– Support calculation – Ring support
– Support calculation – Lug support
– Support – Vessel on Leg (Braced & unbraced)
– Leg Support on Dish & cone
– Vertical & horizontal option
– Cooling Calculations
– Flange Design as per ASME VIII – Div-1 (appendix)
–  Surface area calculation
– BOM/ MTO calculation
– Seismic & Wind Loading as per IS/UBC

.. what else?

Cooling – Thermal Calculation

Lets Start with Diffrent Loading Calculation
Step : 1
1. Heat Loss to Atmosphere : Surface Area m² X Delta (Tavg – Troom)ºC x 0.32 = Q1 kcal/ hr
2. Cooling Load : Volume of liquid (lits) x Delta (Tstart-Tend)ºC/Time (hr) = Q2 kcal/hr
3. Heat evolved during Chemical process/ Fermentation : Q3 kcal/hr

Total Heat to be Removed = Cooling Load = Q = (Q1 + Q2 + Q3) X factor of safety

Please note Unit of Measurement carefully

for Q3, what process do you follow in your vessel, you need to find out the Load.

Step : 2
Calculate LMTD {Log Mean Temperature}
DT1 = TmediaStart – TcoolenEnd
DT2 = TmediaEnd – TcoolentStart
LMTD = (DT1-DT2)/ ln(DT1-DT2)

Step : 3
Calculate Overall heat Transfer co-efficient & Surface Area Required
Hence, A = Q / (U x LMTD)

U, Over all heat transfer co-efficient : 100-250 Kcal/ hr ºC m², this is mainly depends uppon what type of jacket do you use, limped coil or limped jacket or profile sheets or laser welded jacket etc. you need to have some co-relation to evaluate this if the construction of jacket is non-standard. for standard type of jacket, you can get more info on following link

and if nothing works, ask me 🙂

Step : 4
Calculate amount of Cooling media needed for cooling
Now here is a trick, their are two type of coolent, one, they cool by their latent heat (e.g Ammonia) or two, they cool by dropping their temperature (e.g glycol water)

for First option, we need to consider Enthalpy of latent heat, devide Q by this, and you will get mass flow, for Second type follow following equation
Q = m . cp. DT (Tstartcoolent – TendCoolent)

Make sure you get these enthalpies at the working temperature, refer Perry’s handbook, or ask your cooling supplier for detail physical properties, as these properties changes with pressure & temperature, for water mix coolent like glycol, the properties changes with concentation of media

I hope this is sufficient in-sight, in case of help, let me know

Cooling Performance – Overview

Ok, So you want to design cooling for a vessel.. how to?

Step : 1 : What you should know, and what you should ask
What you should know
a) You should know what type of Vessel Construction your are offering
b) You should know what Jacket for cooling you have
c) You should know your Jacket, Heat transfer co-eff co-releation very well
What you should ask
a) Media to be cooled
b) Media for cooling
c) with agitation or w/o agitation
d) Location (in-house or out-side)
e) Cooling performance needed
Step : 2 : Calculated heat Duty/ Cooling Duty
a) Duty due to Surface Loss
b) Duty due to Fermentation/ Process, i.e to remove heat arising from the process
c) Duty due to Cooling withing given time frame
d) Factor of safety : 10 to 20% depending upon your confidence (prooven history will help to reduce this factor of safety)

Step : 3 : Calculate Amount of cooling media needed

Step : 4 : Calculate Area for Cooling jacket

Step : 5 : Calculate Pressure Drop

Step : 6 : Summary

Next post : How to!

Milk Property fact!

Just, I got this info & sharing with you
Density of Milk
Whole milk : ρ = 1035.0 − 0.358 T + 0.0049 T^2 − 0.00010 T^3
Skim milk : ρ = 1036.6 − 0.146 T + 0.0023 T^2 − 0.00016 T^3
Buffalo milk : ρ = 923.84 − 0.44 T
Cows’s milk : ρ = 923.51 − 0.43 T

Good, know you know what will be wait of 1 Liter Pouch 🙂

Cooling of Big tanks

Dear All,

Recently i was working on designing tanks with cooling jacket.
In brewery in particular, there is lots of need of cooling of tank, to take care of heating load generated out of fermentation, surface losses & to get temperature profile.

and as a motive to open this blog, is to share what i learn, in my next post I’ll discuss this in very detail.

See you all soon

PS : if you need any more info ask me, i can add that too in my post!


Lately (late in my career), that is for past three years, i’m working on various ERPs. Offcourse i started the work on engineering domain. But thanks to my friends in other domain, who helped me in understanding other modules too. In my recent company i’ve developed my own ERP. it was made to take care of all engineering needs, and it was now running for past two year. Mean while i’ve also implemented full fleaeged ERP system. With which my software do seamless communication.

This implementation has given me insight on various aspects of organization, like finance, production, purchase and offcours engineering.

Point is, can i develop an ERP of my own? I think its not a tough target. But can i implement one? Yes for sure.

See you soon.

Earth quake Factors – Why & How

Whats is Earth quake factor? and how they affect the calculation?

Their are numerous papers on this, and they are equally qualified to tell you what is earthquake factor all about… but what mater to me is.. how do they do it!

As far as India is concern..The earthquake of 26 January 2001 in Gujarat was unprecedented not only for the state of Gujarat but for the entire country in terms of the damages and the casualties. As the state came out of the shock, literally and otherwise, the public learnt for the first time that the scale of disaster could have been far lower had the constructions in the region complied with the codes of practice for earthquake prone regions. Naturally, as Gujarat began to rebuild the houses, infrastructure and the lives of the affected people, it gave due priority to the issues of code compliance for new constructions.

Seismic activity prone countries across the world rely on “codes of practice” to mandate that all constructions fulfill at least a minimum level of safety requirements against future earthquakes. As the subject of earthquake engineering has evolved over the years, the codes have continued to grow more sophisticated.

Liquid storage tanks are commonly used in industries for storing chemicals, petroleum products, etc. and for storing water in public water distribution systems. Importance of ensuring safety of such tanks against seismic loads cannot be overemphasized.