Applying complicated solutions to complex problems is an understandable approach, but flawed.”
–  Donald Sull

Is it really complex?
Complexity is what gives one an opportunity to exploit his expertise, really?

Recall the first and only apollo mission who has put man on moon, was operating on hardware had 32 KB of RAM, a 72 KB hard drive (ROM), and a processor that ran at 43 kHz. By comparison, the latest Apple watch, sports 32 GB of RAM (1 million times the RAM of the AGC) and a 64-bit dual processor in a thin rectangle as small as 40 mm high. Today’s cell phones have more computer power than all of NASA did in 1969, as do our smart toasters.

Evolution leads to complexity, we being born from single cell organisms and grown to become billion cell person, it self shows how nature loves complexity.

Complexity didn’t mean it can’t be simplified. The simplification comes from perspective and approach. Imagine that tight knot which sometime we come across, only when, we take deep breath and look closely we find that one thread, which unravels the full stock! 😊

How to look for simplicity 👀

I believe the easiest way to adopt a mindset that seeks simple solutions is to start by believing that a simple solution exists and that it’s only a matter of time before we discover it. By acknowledging the possibility of such a solution, we open ourselves to finding it.

Simple solutions found when we ask the fundamental questions. “The 5 whys” could be one easiest way to find the root of the problems and then an easy solution.

Golden circle which was made famous by Simon Sinek, puts Why at the centre, followed by how and what. again approach is once we know why, we can find out how and what part of it.

Some mental models comes handy to find the simple solutions to complex problem, I love the model first principle thinking. The approach is to break down the problem in fundamental elements, variables and then ask, “what happens if I remove one variable at a time?” This is a strong model, keep one variable change and other constant, and see the change or behaviour, look for pattern and recognising those patterns helps find the root cause. This works when we are focusing on finding solution for complex problem.

How to approach complex customer problem?

No customer, including us, wants a complex solution, need to have educated guess or training to solve his problem. How many our us reads manual when we bought anything which is not manual 😊

One of the key bias one needs to be aware of is status quo bias a preference for the current state of affairs, where the current baseline is taken as a reference point, and any change from that baseline is perceived as a loss, and one avoids looking for change or finding better and easy solutions.

The solution has to be intuitive, and anything of this nature has to be simple. Just note 5 degree inclination of refrigerator, which helps closes the door automatically, not set properly, how many of us find those door getting half close or banging them each time. Simple solution like this needs to be institutionalised in product design. The approach is “design thinking”, one more framework helping us find simple solution.

Design thinking in nutshell 🌰

Many, many resources are available online, the soul of this approach is diverge and converge while finding the solution, and keep the end goal common, a simple solution. Empathy toward customer help avoid complex solutions.

Design thinking is a customer-centered, iterative approach to problem-solving that emphasizes empathy, creativity, and experimentation. It involves understanding the needs of users, defining the problem, generating a wide range of ideas, prototyping, and testing solutions. This process encourages collaboration across disciplines and focuses on creating innovative solutions that address real user needs. By embracing feedback and learning from failures, design thinking helps teams refine ideas and ultimately deliver more effective, simple, user-friendly products and services.

Do google and find some good reads on this topic.

Constrains are good 👍

Other way to find simple solution to complex problem is acknowledging constraints on resources or adding artificial constraints, to avoid excessive use. Common sense says, more resources, more complex outcome. Also more variables makes solution unsustainable or unreliable in long run. Hence constraints always good and help innovate solutions.

The most depressing part is not the product flaws themselves, but customers’ willingness to accept complicated interfaces as inevitable.

Take example of MP3 player in early years, customer took for granted the complexity in the player, for being MP3 player, and iPOD took them by storm.

A good read 📚

Came across this book, as name suggest it’s on Simple Rules for managing complex problems. The book talks about few such approaches.

Simple rules impose a threshold level of structure while avoiding the rigidity that results from too many restrictions. The resulting flexibility makes it easier to adapt to changing circumstances and seize fleeting opportunities. Simple rules can also produce better decisions than more complicated models can, particularly when time and information are limited.

Why simple solutions hard to find by? 🧐

  • Failure to accept the change, change is good, nevertheless finding good in a change is always challenging and human always tries to avoid change.
  • Cognitive dissonance, the moment we face the issue with implementation of simple solution, we fall back to usuals complex solution and struggle either with its implementation or go back to original state.
  • Surrounding. We are surrounded by complex solutions, we pay for them, and they get paid to get our attention, and we get distracted and fail to find that simple solution.

Summary 😏

Does this awareness helps? Sometime, and most of the time, depending upon how we prioritise finding simple solutions over applying existing complex solutions. It needs practice and awareness of our actions.
